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Uncharted2 looked great but to be honest i prefered Tombraider underworld . Uncharted2 was to shooty for my tastes.

5190d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

its silly to compare this games development time to something like Killzones.Killzone2 had a huge development team in its hundreds not counting guys they brought in to get it done on time. Theres about 50 working on Alan Wake. If killzone had that amount it would properly never seen the light of day. Be thankful Remedy have not only completed Alan Wake but have made what looks to be an amazing game.

5190d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Battle Royal, PLEASE

5191d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ive always thought GT graphically looks better but i find Forza the better game to play. GT i feel kinda got stuck playing catch up feature wise after number3. I like both but find i go back to Forza more than GT. I do have high hopes for GT5 but prey its not just a shiny version of prologue as i thought that was pretty bad and left it on the shelf.

5196d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

First of all its not revolutionary , it plays exactly like their last game. I think the graphics are very good but nothing to make me feel only a ps3 can handle them. Control scheme is as expected though a little sluggish. If you like their last game as i did then you will love it, the rest will find the and stick movements to do tasks like use an inhaler boring and pointless. I like these sort of games but can see why others dont. I hope people try it and give it a chance but i think ...

5233d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have a ps3 and 360 and can honestly say i dont think blue ray has made any difference gamewise so far. i love it for movies but i think it will be next gen when it shines. blueray storage is great by i feel that sony hasnt really made the most of it yet.

5247d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

the more i hear and see about this game the more it sounds complete pants. Square seem to have lost the plot in recent years. Think i‘ll stick with mass effect.

5255d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

please can this come to ps3/360 . i really like the silent hill games but it feels like the living room consoles are being shaffted this gen regarding this series. Come on Konami, port it over.

5255d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

hope its better than the god-awful prologue.

5269d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't say Forza flopped when its at 1.5 million in a matter of weeks. Judging by that Uncharted 2 which has been out a few weeks longer and sold nearly 2mill is also a flop and Killzone2 judging by the amount of time its been out the biggest flop of them all.. Doesn't make sense. Get some pespective. All the above games sell well. Forza and Gt are both great drving games and the competion is great as it forces them to push each other.

5288d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well ive played GTP and Forza3 and Between the two Forza has much better physics. I enjoy both but feel Gt needs to up its game now for the 5th in the series on all fronts.

5288d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

And yeah the ps3 interface is a bit confusing to some. And installs are a pain. No if's and but's. Thats bad design from Sony. My hd is down to 15 gig due to installs. Why o why does a game on xbox run without install yet the same game has one ps3. Doesn't run any better. If anything its a design flaw. Don't get me wrong i like my ps3 but it's internal software seems a little rushed.

5290d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I do think xbox live is a much much better system than the ps network but i refuse to pay for it. Im now back on silver and use my ps3 for the online gaming. Its nice the ps3 online play is free but you really do get what you pay for. Im just tight with my cash or it would be xbox live all the way.

5290d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah thats what i mean. Maybe im just lazy. But ive brought cars that looked as though they would be suited to say B events but they were just over or under spec. I know under events it shows which car is eligible but it would be a lot simpler to just have the class by the car like Forza. Makes upgrading a lot easier also. This is a game after all. Generally i enjoyed prologue but the menu and options do seem a bit clunky and not very well thought out.

5290d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I brought prologue a few weeks ago and was a little disappointed to be honest. The graphics are good (though on close inspection not as good as first thought) but the handling and physics were not great. Menu system was pretty bad also (why doesn't it tell you the class of cars when your shopping straight away). I played it through and it was quite enjoyable though. Interior view is good and cars look nice. But... after spending a few weeks on that i was given Forza3 for my birthday and it is...

5290d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They need to release this on Ps3 and 360.

5297d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

ODST is my favorite game of the year so far and thats owning a 360 and ps3.

5365d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Bladerunner/ The shining / Pans Labyrinth all look amazing on blueray. Im never going back to dvd.

5366d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Im a huge fan of blueray and my ps3 gets plenty of use as a player. I was wondering if stand alone players drop in price whether this will have an effect on ps3 sales. I know a few people who just brought it as it was a resonable player for the price but if cheaper and just as good alternatives are avalible will they choose ps3?

5366d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I always thought NIN were a poor mans Depeche Mode but there ok. Some of their albums are pretty good. I fail to see how Trents views are news though.

5367d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment